Apple Special Event-Tim Cookのスピーチ

2017-09-21 07:10

というわけで前回の続き。Apple Special EventでTim Cookが行なったスピーチ(一部)の勝手な日本語訳。Steve Jobsの声が流れた後、Tim Cookはこう語った。

Thank you. I love hearing his voice and his inspiring message. And it was only fitting that Steve should open his theater.

(観客からの歓声に対して)ありがとう。彼の声と感動的なメッセージを聞くのが好きだ。このSteve JobsシアターはSteveによってこそオープンされるべきだったのだが。

Thank you.

It is the honor of a lifetime to be the first to welcome you to the Steve Jobs Theater. Steve meant so much to me and so much to all of us. There is not a day that goes by that we don’t think about him. Memories have especially come rushing back as we prepared for today and this event.


Steve Jobsシアターに最初にみなさんをお迎えすることは人生最大の名誉だ。Steveは私にとって、そして他の全員にとって大切な人だった。彼のことを思わない日はない。特に今日、そしてこのイベントを準備する時、彼のことを何度も思い出した。

It’s taken some time but we can now reflect on him with joy, instead of sadness. Steve’s spirit and timeless philosophy on life will always be the DNA of Apple. His greatest gift, his greatest expression of his appreciation for humanity, would not be a singular product. But rather it would be Apple itself. We dedicate this theater to Steve because we loved him, and because he loved days like this where he could share our latest new products and new ideas with the world. And we do so not only to pay tribute to Steve but to inspire the next generation of creators and innovators.


Steve was a genius and one of the many ways that he showed that was in his uncanny ability to unlock the talent of everybody that he worked with. He thought deeply about our workplace and its surroundings. And he believed that they should inspire talented people to do their best work.


So over a decade ago, he began to work on a new campus for Apple. His vision for Apple Park was to create an incredible workplace of the future where engineers and designers could all be together, collaborating on the next generations of Apple product to change the world.


Steve’s vision and passion live on here at Apple Park and everywhere in Apple. Today and always, we honor him.


Thank you.


英文引用元:Apple CEO Tim Cook at iPhone X September 2017 Event Keynote (Transcript)


来年にはiPhone9、iPhone X series 2(多分)、Apple TV X, それにApple Watch series 4が発表される。そして我々が幸運に恵まれればそれに続くApple製品を見ることができるだろう。そしてそう遠くない将来iPhone8,iPhone Xは「ビンテージ製品」となり時代遅れと見なされるようになる。

そのようにしてこの日発表された製品が忘れ去られたとしても、Steve Jobsの言葉とそれに続くTim Cookのスピーチは色あせることはない。このSpecial Eventのハイライトは、二人のスピーチだった。