
2015-02-17 07:27



 Ive discredits much of the industry saying “there are some shocking cars on the road”. Ive denigrates a specific model they are passing, for its lack of thought.

To his right was a silver sedan with a jutting lower lip. Ive said, quietly, “For example.” As the disgraced car fell behind, I asked Ive to critique its design: “It is baffling, isn’t it? It’s just nothing, isn’t it? It’s just insipid.” He declined to name the model, muttering, “I don’t know, I don’t want to offend.” (Toyota Echo.)

Ive also disapproves of SVP Operations Jeff Williams, who drives a Toyota Camry: “Ive’s verdict, according to Williams, is “Oh, God.””

引用元:The New Yorker profiles Jony Ive: details meeting Jobs, iPhone 6, Apple Watch, cars and more | 9to5Mac



しかし酷い言われようだ。"shocking car"とか"Oh, God"とか。

子供の頃、大人になったフォルクスワーゲン ビートルにのるんだと思っていた。だって他の車って全然区別がつかないから。さてApple Titanはどんなデザインなんだろうね。Googleの自動運転車のようなデザインでないことだけは確信できるが。